Tuesday 24 July 2012

6 food that help kill FATS!

P.S. i don't own anything in this post! [Credits]

I'm reposting this post, yes copy and paste! hahahas cause i'm a lazy girl to slowly re-type out everything ~ 
& this post is a must to share with you girls!!! 
After reading, i really tried to follow and eat as much of these 6 food as possible! 
Only those in red are what i wrote #lazygirl
Okay so here goes:

1) Apples
To keep the pounds at bay, eat an apple–or two–a day. Apples are high in pectin, which binds with water and limits the amount of fat your cells can absorb.

Apples also have antioxidants which help prevent metabolic syndrome - the combination of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and prediabetes that tends to accompany thickening around the waist.

2) Chilli
Chillies contain a certain ingredient known as capsaicin, which causes the metabolism to increase.
If you’ve ever noticed how you feel warmer after eating a very spicy dish containing chilli peppers, this is why. Your metabolism had increased and you were burning off more calories as heat.
So by simply adding this to your daily diet, you could increase your calorie burn slightly, which will really add up to significant amounts over the long term.

3) Cinnamon
Okay, so it’s not exactly a food, it’s a spice, but so much the better; it doesn’t add calories, while helping you burn fat. According to a recent study of diabetics, cinnamon appears to have the power to help your body metabolize sugar.

Eating as little as 1/4 to 2 teaspoons of cinnamon a day was found to reduce blood sugar levels and cut cholesterol from 10 to 25 percent. So add cinnamon to smoothies, sprinkle it on your cereal, or flavor your coffee with it.

[ If you're wondering how to eat cinnamon, maybe you can try Aunty Annie hahahas!! ]

4) Pine Nuts
Rich in heart-healthy fatty acids, particularly the aptly named pinolenic acid, pine nuts have been found to boost levels of the so-called “satiety hormone,” ghrelin, which signals your brain that you’re full.

When ghrelin levels are high, not only do you not feel hungry, you’re more able to resist cravings. According to studies done in Korea, a big producer of pine nuts, these same fatty acids have been shown to prevent the formation of belly fat, considered the most dangerous kind.

5) Salmon, Tuna, Sardines
Most fish contain Omega-3 fatty acids, but salmon, tuna and sardine more so in particular. These fatty acids alter levels of a hormone called leptin in your body. Several recent studies suggest that leptin directly influences your metabolism, determining whether you burn calories or store them as fat.

Researchers have found that mice with low leptin levels have faster metabolisms and are able to burn fat more quickly than animals with higher leptin levels. The best way to lower your leptin? Eat fish.

6) Oolong Tea, Green Tea, Coffee
Oolong tea, green tea and coffee contain two secret ingredients to burn fat - caffeine and EGCG. Caffeine helps speed up your heart rate. The faster your heart beats, the more calories you burn. EGCG works in a similar way, but instead of revving up your heart, it causes your brain and nervous system to run more quickly-again helping you burn more calories.

Studies show that oolong tea, green tea or coffee taken three times a day can help you burn as much as an extra 80 calories a day. And that's just when your body's at rest!

The Canadian government found that soldiers who consumed caffeine in the 12 hours prior to a physical-fitness test not only were able to work out longer before becoming exhausted, but also consumed more oxygen while working out. The body's oxygen requirements are directly related to the speed of - guess what - your metabolism, so the more oxygen you use, the more calories you burn during your workout.
Alright that ended my 6 food that helps to kill FATS!
So if you're wondering the last part, how can Oolong tea or green tea or even coffee can help, since they contain sugar especially coffee!! Green tea is a normal drink that all of us will take like POKA green tea or even Heaven&Earth but maybe you can try changing them to Oolong!! I'm not talking about those chinese hot tea, who will drink that nowadays in this bloody hot weather, but maybe you can try the can or the bottle one !! I've tried it and i'm loving it drink it everyday !! 

Hope it all helps, will try to update more but exams are coming and school it's giving me headache ): 
Btw, do help like SheerDivas on facebook, me and yann is planning on selling DIY and also pretty instocks over there! Wait up for out second preview and our website which is still in the mist of making!! *wink*

BYE and go be pretty~~ 

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