Friday 9 November 2012

miss me?

Hi sweethearts!

Do you miss me? Its been quite some time since I last update and even since the new term started. My timetable this month is so horrible ): I have 2 day of which my class starts at 8am and Thursday my class end as late as 9pm!!!! see how packed am i, I will try to update this space more often with my phone app and maybe during the weekends!!

BTW hetes something juicy for you to look forward to my up coming posts!

1) contact lense giveawy !

2) awesome clothes

3) unique products & special promotions

4) more online great deals to shop at!!!

So....don't forget to come back here and check out ^^ follow me on twitter ot instagram where I will update more often over there, search for @dionnecyz & you will see my face ! Haha

Alright time for bed have lessons at 9am tomorrow hopefully I'm able to wake up~

GOODNIGHT all you beautiful  ladies and handsome dudes! 

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